Monday, May 19, 2008

Worming the Starhole - Part One

Saturday May 17 was the first in the series of several "Worming the Starhole" performances by Noot d' Noot and Judi Chicago at the world famous Lenny's Bar in Atlanta. Some new tunes were played, including "Livin' The Life" and a newly arranged "Balm Yard". One surprise was "Chunky Dunk", which we usually play for about 2 or 3 minutes without much stretching out or improvisation, but this night it was brought to a full 7-minute conclusion.

Check it out here: Chunky Dunk Wormed through the Starhole

Here is the flyer from the show:

See you at Worming the Starhole, Part Two with Judi Chicago on June 21 at Lenny's - where else?

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