Bimbi "Smoofus" Thomas and Dream Sanitation (I of Noot) relaxing in the apportioned Noot backstage area.
The Noot was ready and willing to entertain the crowd at the Beep Beep Gallery on Ponce for the Goofer Dust Mixtape 2006 release show on March 10, 2007. This is the first live appearance of the band in its full form, with DJ Dookie Platters starting everything off on the good foot-foot.
Here is the set, in both MP3 and M4A versions:
Dr. Kinje (The Fire King) with an unknown assailant. Crab Louie on the kit and Jah Scorpion on claves.
Skins Malone holding it down.
DJ Dookie Platters keeping things tidy.
Dream Sanitation and Dr. Kinje simmering.
Smoofus with the rhythm.